Further to the announcement from the Prime Minister that the whole of England is to return to lockdown, we wanted to reassure our customers that, as an essential manufacturing service, we will be remaining open. We have made some internal changes to our processes in order to protect our staff and all orders dispatched have been prepared in line with Government recommendations.
We are incredibly proud to have played a key role in supporting the NHS with customised lanyards to ensure that various staff, and in some cases patients, can be clearly distinguished from each other. We have and will continue to work tirelessly to get orders printed and dispatched to the various hospitals across the country.
Our custom printed lanyards are completely machine washable and even at a 60 degree wash, remain colourfast. This means that lanyards can be washed and reused over and over again maintaining the highest levels of hygiene for front line workers or those that are at a high risk of exposure to Covid-19. This has proved to be important for those working on the front line and has meant that rather than having to order more lanyards after exposure, they are simply washed and redistributed for use.
If you would like a quote for our custom printed washable lanyards, give one of our dedicated Account Managers a call on 0115 860 2255.